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Abstract Shapes

Merger Conference

A Collaborative Effort of: PA Link to ADRC, Union-Snyder Area Agency on Aging, Columbia-Montour Area Agency on Aging, CMSU Developmental Services, CMSU Behavioral Health and Drug and Alcohol

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Silvermoon Banquet Hall, 137 Silvermoon Lane, Lewisburg, PA 17837

Keeping Independence Through Understanding & Connections 


8:30 AM – 9:00 AM            Registration and Light Breakfast
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM          Understanding the Impact of Social Isolation –

                                             Kris Struckmeyer, PSU  
10:00 AM – 10:45AM         Panel – Local Social Isolation Resources 
10:45 AM – 11:00 AM        BREAK 
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM        Executive Functioning in Context of Decision Making Capacity 

                                             Dr. Randy Fulton, Director PhD of Behavioral Health and Neuropsych,                                                                   Geisinger Medical Center
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM          Free Lunch Buffet and Networking 


This event is free and includes a light breakfast and lunch. Registration is required. 

Policy: If you cannot attend, substitutes are welcome. In an effort to continue offering this conference at no cost, we may invoice your agency for “no shows” or cancellations after 06/9/2024. Thank you for your understanding!

Our Presenters

Dr. Randy Fulton, PsyD
Director PhD of Behavioral Health and Neuropsych, Geisinger Medical Center

Dr. Fulton’s areas of special interest include geriatric neuropsychology, healthy cognitive aging, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Dr. Fulton attended the Illinois School of Professional Psychology, where he received his doctorate degree in clinical psychology, and completed his residency at Geisinger Medical Center.
Kristopher Struckmeyer, Ph.D
Assistant Teaching Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Penn State University 

Struckmeyer’s scholarly work has been dedicated to aging families. Initially this focus was on caregiving families – drawing from personal experiences with his own family. Growing up in a rural community created issues in locating and accessing necessary services that would aid in his family’s caregiving. This focus has extended out to other marginalized aging families, specifically rural LGBTQ+ families. Struckmeyer’s research interests include understanding and improving the interaction between older adults and their environment (e.g., health services, social support, educational trainings, etc.), community readiness to respond to legislation and pressing community health issues, and the multitude of issues facing rural LGBTQ+ older adults. Read more

Our Panelists

Elaine Spicher and Karrie Sarisky
Kreisher, Marshall & Associates 

It's easy to think we know what it's like to feel isolated as a senior or person with a disability and we might believe we're taking the best action, but do we really know? Elaine and Karrie will join us to discuss Embodied Labs, an immersion virtual experience that will allow the view to better see how a socially isolated senior is impacted by isolation and how improved care can make a difference. 
Todd W. Kiger
Share Housing Counselor, Northumberland Co. Area Agency on Aging & Veterans Affairs 

We are fortunate to have the benefits of SHARE Housing in several of our counties. This Shared Housing & Resource Exchange is a program to help individuals find affordable housing and bring together homeowners who want to share in exchange for rent, household chores, or a combination of both.
The Arc of Susquehanna Valley

The Arc of Susquehanna Valley offers many programs and resources to help those with a disability to maintain a good quality of life. Representatives of Arc will discuss AMPES (Arc Meeting Place for Expanding & Sharing) and other programs available locally to encourage human interaction and much-needed socialization. 
Foster Grandparent Program of Central PA
Sarah Long

A Foster Grandparent spends 3 – 5 days a week at a local Head Start Program, day care center, school, or special institution and gives tender, loving, one-on-one support and companionship to children with special needs. The Foster Grandparent determines the number of hours that they volunteer. A Foster Grandparent reads stories, helps develop a child’s independence and self-confidence, teaches simple tasks and learning skills, and plays games. 
PA Link to Aging & Disabilty Resource Centers
Service Area 8

The PA Link Check-In Line began with a special grant awarded from the Administration on Community Living during COVID, but as social isolation remains rampant among seniors, the informal check-in line is an easy referral for professionals who want to help their clients feel more engaged and less lonely.
Statewide information at: PA Link to Community Care                                                    PA Link Helpline: (800) 753 - 8827
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