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Helping Seniors and Those With Disabilities 


In Pennsylvania, the Aging & Disability Resource Center is known as the Pennsylvania Link to Aging and Disability Resources, commonly referred to as the PA Link.


It is designed to be a cross-age system network of partner agencies who collaborate to service individuals who need long term services and supports. The coordinated network of partners allows a consumer to initiate contact with any PA Link partner and access needed information, assistance, and resources.


The "no wrong door" approach attempts to minimize duplication of efforts by both consumer and provider. PA Link partners assist the following populations, regardless of income: adults age 60+, individuals living with any type of disability, persons living with behavioral health or substance abuse issues, and the caregivers and family members of these populations.


Program Components 



Consumers from the Center for Independent Living of Central PA participate in their annual Wheelchair Basketball Tournament

How Can PA Link Assist You and / or Your Family?  

  • Easily connect you to local services/supports through any Link partner agency

  • Explore existing options to ensure a secure plan for independence

  • Assist consumers with applications to determine funding eligibility

  • Help consumers remain or return to their community because of a disability, an illness or accident, or to transition from an institution back to the community


There is no charge for information and assistance provided by any Link or Link partner agency.

Our Mission Statement                                                                                   Service Area 8 Core Partners

The mission of the PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources is to improve access to long term services and supports for individuals, their loved ones and caregivers, regardless of age, income, or ability, through an integrated network of partner agencies committed to expanding the use of community based solutions, promoting person centered decision making, and enhancing the quality of services.

Statewide information at: PA Link to Community Care                                                    PA Link Helpline: (800) 753 - 8827
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